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About Us

Freedom Chiropractic exteriorFreedom Chiropractic has been serving Colorado Springs and the surrounding areas since 2003. It has been our goal since day one to empower our patients to take control and achieve health. We simplify health through education and the 5 Essentials to supplement your chiropractic care. Years of patient testimonials speak to the effectiveness of our programs.

Our Mission Statement

We are a community that releases potential and freedom through health transformation.

Our Vision

Through this community, we’re looking to create a life of abundance, joy and longevity for our patients.

Building a Relationship With You

We are not the type of office you come to once and leave, what we like to call a “rack you, crack you” place. Yes, we want to get you out of pain if you currently have discomfort. We look beyond that, however, into the long-term and know that the key to abundant well-being is to keep you healthy rather than simply treating symptoms when they arise.

Our doctors are affiliated with MaxLiving. Through this program, we teach our patients about the five essentials that are necessary to have incredible health:

  • Corrective chiropractic care
  • Nutrition
  • Mindset

  • Oxygen and exercise
  • Minimize toxins

Our approach seeks to correct your spinal alignment. Rather than being based on pain, our chiropractic office focuses on how to bring you to the highest levels of full-body wellness.

Most of the time, people come to us seeking help for symptoms. They might have low back pain, headaches, allergies, digestive issues, a child with colic and other various concerns. Usually, they tell us, “I’ve been ignoring this for so long” or “I’m coming to you as a last resort because nothing else has worked.”

Through our thorough evaluation, customized treatment plan and teaching people about health from within, positive changes finally start to happen. In just the first couple of days, we want to make sure you regain your hope that more can be done for your health.

Learn More Today

Contact our office now to set up your first appointment! Same-day visits are available.


About Freedom Chiropractic | (719) 533-0303